Join us for our Annual Spring Clean-Up of Downtown on Sunday, May 1 at 10 a.m.!
Drop by Dick Mather Park (next to McKay Avenue School, 9809 105 Street) to volunteer to help tidy up the neighbourhood!
We will have some cleaning supplies on hand including garbage pickers and garbage bags. Please make sure you bring your own gloves and appropriate work clothing, and take whatever PPE precautions you would like to take.
We will be focusing our efforts on the areas around Downtown, along the river valley, parks and other spaces garbage hides.
2021-22 DECL memberships will also be available if you are looking to get one or need to renew. Take advantage of our business discounts, stay in touch and find out what’s going on in your neighbourhood!
Join us for as little or long as you are able, every bit of clean-up helps!