At home with some time on your hands? Help us build some decorations for our annual holiday window display!
We need folks to help build at least 20 tissue paper lanterns (like the ones in the photo)!
SUPPPLIES: You can get the supplies at a local dollar store or come by to DECL to quickly pick up supplies:
Thursday, November 26 between 5:00-6:30 pm
Sunday, November 29 1:00-2:30 pm to
(all COVID-19 pre-cautions and regulations apply. Supplies will be individually bagged and offered for curb-side pickup only.)
INSTRUCTIONS: You can go online for instructions and inspiration. Youtube: ‘paper mache lanterns’.
1. Shred a bunch of white tissue paper and some colored tissue paper.
2. Put plastic down on a table ( a large plastic bag).
3. Make the paste. If you are using wall paper paste; it should be like a smoothie with no lumps. If you are using white glue; add water to the glue. Use a container with a lid.
4. Blow up the balloon and cover it or brush it with paste.
5. Cover the balloon with 4 to 5 layers of white tissue paper. This gives your lantern form, strength and structure. And the white tissue paper lets the light shine through. Too much paste and the tissue payer clumps and can fall off the balloon. You can use a brush gently for the paste if the tissue paper sticks too much to your hands.
6. Put the lantern on plastic to completely dry for a day or 2.
7. Paste your color tissue on the dry balloon . you can also use bits of cloth, ribbon or colored cellophane. NOTE: You can use colored tissue paper on the last layer of step 5, but if you do step 6, you can have more control of your design.
8. Let your lantern completely dry somewhere safe on plastic.9. Pop balloon and make holes in the lantern. These holes can be small jabs or large shapes. You can further decorate the lantern to look like a giant Christmas tree decoration with paper and sequins etc.
DROP-OFF YOUR LANTERNS! Drop the lanterns off to DECL on December 6, 1pm to 2:30pm and between 6pm to 8pm. Put your name and contact info on the lantern to get it back in February.
Questions? Send us a PM or email to